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Stacy Greene's "Lipsticks"

Today's blog is dedicated to an interesting photo project from the 90's by photographer Stacy Greene.

Stacy was inspired after uncapping a friend's lipstick and seeing the shape it had taken from being applied. She ended up doing a whole series of close-ups of used lipsticks, each shot named after the lipstick's owner.

In an effort to remain true to the subject, Stacy photographed each one exactly as they were given to her. In some shots you can see specks of dust, lint, small strands of hair, and remnants of other colors some of the lipsticks were layered over.

Stacy Greene at Art In General, NYC - 1994

I have no idea how some of these shapes were achieved, and I'm really curious to know how someone would apply their lipstick and end up with a corkscrew! There's something fascinating about this glimpse into a person's life, and the series is almost surreal.

That's what I love about photography. An ordinary object can be transformed into a work of art, in this case a tiny masterpiece created by an unlikely sculptor.




You can read more about the project, and see the rest of the close-ups, on Stacy's website:

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